Office 365 License Vs Usage Report with Powershell

Office 365 introduced the new reporting powershell cmdlet Get-LicenseVsUsageSummaryReport to retrieve a summary report that identifies the number of active users across each installed software licenses (Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Skype for Business Online, and Microsoft Yammer).

Deprecated – Get-LicenseVsUsageSummaryReport

This method is being deprecated as of January 29, 2018. You can refer to this post to generate license usage summary reports : Export Microsoft 365 License Usage Report using PowerShell.

The following command gets a summary report of the number of entitled users for the workload, the number of provisionally entitled (trial) users for the workload and the count of active licensed users.


Export License Vs Usage Summary Report:

Use the below powershell command to export the license vs usage summary report to CSV file.

Get-LicenseVsUsageSummaryReport | Select Date,TenantGuid,Workload,NonTrialEntitlements,TrialEntitlements,ActiveUsers |
Export-CSV "C:\LicenseVsUsageSummaryReport.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

Sample License Usage Report:

Office 365 License Vs Usage Report with Powershell
