SharePoint Online Site Usage Reports (Popularity Trends)

After the introduction of SharePoint 2013 server, now users can easily view the site usage reports from SharePoint site settings itself. We can generate set of usage reports via Excel, such as, number of views and unique users/visitors, number of queries, top queries by day and month, abandoned queries by day and month, etc..

Follow the below steps to get usage reports in sharepoint online/office 365:

1. Connect the sharepoint online site home page and click Site Settings under Settings gear icon in top-right corner.

SharePoint Online Site Usage and Popularity Trends

2. In Site Settings page, click on Popularity and Search Reports under Site Collection Administration and if you want site level usage report, click on Popularity Trends under Site Administration.

SharePoint Online Site Usage Reports and Popularity Trends

3. Now, click on any of the analytic report to download report as Excel file

SharePoint Online/2013 Site Usage Reports and Popularity Trends

Following usage and analytic reports are supported in both sharepoint online and on-premises (2013 and 2016):


This report shows historical usage information about the site collection, such as the number of views and unique users. Use this report to identify usage trends and to determine times of high and low activity.

SharePoint Online/2016 Site Usage Reports and Popularity Trends

Number of Queries

This report shows the number of search queries performed. Use this report to identify search query volume trends and to determine times of high and low search activity.

Top Queries by Day

This report shows the most popular search queries. Use this report to understand what types of information visitors are seeking.

Top Queries by Month

This report shows the most popular search queries. Use this report to understand what types of information visitors are seeking.

Abandoned Queries by Day

This report shows popular search queries that received low click-through. Use this report to identify search queries that might create user dissatisfaction and to improve the discoverability of content. Then, consider using query rules to improve the query’s results.

Abandoned Queries by Month

This report shows popular search queries that received low click-through. Use this report to identify search queries that might create user dissatisfaction and to improve the discoverability of content. Then, consider using query rules to improve the query’s results.

No Result Queries by Day

This report shows popular search queries that returned no results. Use this report to identify search queries that might create user dissatisfaction and to improve the discoverability of content. Then, consider using query rules to improve the query’s results.

No Result Queries by Month

This report shows popular search queries that returned no results. Use this report to identify search queries that might create user dissatisfaction and to improve the discoverability of content. Then, consider using query rules to improve the query’s results.

Query Rule Usage by Day

This report shows how often query rules fire, how many dictionary terms they use, and how often users click their promoted results. Use this report to see how useful your query rules and promoted results are to users.

Query Rule Usage by Month

This report shows how often query rules fire, how many dictionary terms they use, and how often users click their promoted results. Use this report to see how useful your query rules and promoted results are to users.


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